The Worst Weather Disaster in New Jersey History Cost $70 Billion
It was a storm that left so many here in New Jersey devastated. It was hopefully a once-in-a-lifetime weather event that caused so much heartache and destroyed and damaged so many homes and businesses here in the Garden State.
According to National Geographic, "In the nine days that Sandy raged, it killed 70 people in the Caribbean and almost 150 people in the U.S. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimates Sandy caused at least $70 billion in damages, making it among the costliest storms in U.S. history."
According to 6ABC, "Sandy is one of the costliest storms in U.S. history, with $36.8 billion in damage in New Jersey and $32.8 billion in New York." I still see neighbors rebuilding in my neighborhood. The night of the worst of the storm the water began moving down our street. We do not directly live on the water but we are very close. The water made its way to our front door. By the grace of god, we were spared from getting flooded, but many in my neighborhood were not. We had tree and wind damage, but the salt water did not flood us.
According to an article from Love Exploring, the most shocking weather event in New Jersey is Hurricane Sandy. "By the time it hit New Jersey, so-called ‘Superstorm’ Sandy had reached wind speeds of 80 miles per hour (129km/h). It tore through homes and ripped up boardwalks along the Jersey Shore, wrecking amusement parks like that at Seaside Heights."
During Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy, Sue and I, like many others on the air with us, spent 24-36 hours at our broadcast facility. We stayed up all night taking calls and helping area residents get through the night. It was truly an emotional evening for everyone in Jersey. Sandy changed the look of the Jersey Shore for so many families and businesses. I pray we never see a weather system that had all the devasting components of Hurricane Sandy.
I remember driving home after the storm and seeing the damage. Boats in our street, a bed washed up on our front lawn, and trees down everywhere. It was a sight I will never forget. The Red Cross drove up and down our street announcing they had emergency supplies for people. It was the worst storm I have ever endured. Prayers still go out to people trying to rebuild a decade later.
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