It's not rare to see the Aurora Borealis especially in Alaska. However, it is quite unusual to see the Northern Lights turn a bright red which is what just happened as shown by a new video share.

If you're fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time and see the Northern Lights, you'll normally see them appear green. It's very unusual to see them appear red for a number of reasons. The Aurora Zone explains that this only happens when solar particles interact with oxygen higher than 150 miles above the Earth. That doesn't happen often if ever.

Look at this dazzling display of the Aurora Borealis as seen in Coldfoot, Alaska on February 27, 2023.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association has a helpful forecast that's updated every 30 minutes detailing where the Northern Lights will be visible from next. Some recent large solar flares have made the lights visible as far south as Illinois and Iowa recently.

Travel + Leisure lists the best places in the world to see the Aurora Borealis including many locations in Alaska, Canada and Norway. Even those places rarely will see the Northern Lights appear red like this recent display did. A truly rare sky event that is now recorded with video proof.

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