Hailstones as Big as Softballs Hit Small Texas Town, Bulls Flee
A small community has just experienced a hailstorm like never before as hailstones as big as softballs rained down from the sky.
Holy moly look at the size of that hail! The video below shows enormous hail raining down on the videographer's pool outside a small town in Texas.
Then we see a poor bull trotting out in the hail. I hope that poor thing can find a tree to get under.
Gary Clayton via Twitter
Oh good, he did!
Others around the state reported grapefruit-sized hail. We'd like to point out that Grapefruit-Sized Hail would be a good name for a band.
Colorado Had a Hailstorm in 1994 that Looked Like the Apocalypse
Back in August of 1994, one Colorado city was hit by so much hail that you might have thought it was the end of the world.
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